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Programme committees

Zh. I. Alferov
SPb Physico-Technical Center for Research & Education
Scientific Secretary
A. P. Shergin
Ioffe Institute
Yu. S. Vasil'ev SPb State Polytechnic University E. P. Velikhov RRC "Kurchatov Institute"
I. V. Grekhov Ioffe Institute A. G. Zabrodskii Ioffe Institute
V. K. Ivanov SPb State Polytechnic University A. A. Kaplyanskii Ioffe Institute
P. S. Kop'ev Ioffe Institute Yu. G. Kusraev Ioffe Institute
V. V. Nazarenko Konstantinov SPb Nuclear Physics Institute I. M. Nekludov Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
R. V. Parfen'ev Ioffe Institute M. P. Petrov Ioffe Institute
R. A. Suris Ioffe Institute V. V. Ustinov Institute of Metall Physics
R. M. Yusupov St Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (SPII RAS)

Organizing committees

A. G. Zabrodskii
Ioffe Institute
Deputy Chair
V. A. Dergachev
Ioffe Institute
G. S. Kulikov
Ioffe Institute
A. Ya. Vul' Ioffe Institute L. F. Grebenovskaya Ioffe Institute
V. G. Grigoryants Ioffe Institute A. B. Zhuravlev SPb Scientific Center (RAS)
M. V. Razuvaeva Ioffe Institute A. L. Orbeli Ioffe Institute
Yu. V. Trushin SPb Physico-Technical Center for Research & Education V. M. Ustinov SPb Physico-Technical Center for Research & Education
V. L. Shubin Ioffe Institute
(c) 2005, Ioffe Institute