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Preliminary list of talks

The list includes talks confirmed by the authors. The talks are grouped in accordance with the topics specified by the authors, some titles of the talks are being ascertained.

Modern Development of A.F. Ioffe's scientific and educational concepts

Zh. I. Alferov, scientific supervisor of Ioffe Institute (RAS)
A. F. Ioffe, founder of the national physical school
Yu. S. Vasil'ev, president of SPb State Polytechnic University
V. K. Ivanov, SPb State Polytechnic University
Implementation of A. F. Ioffe's educational ideas at St Petersburg State Polytechnic University
M. V. Vedernikov, Ioffe Institute (RAS)
Thermoelectric power conversion
L. I. Anatychuk,
director of Institute of Thermoelectricity NANU
Thermoelectricity in Ukraine, A. F. Ioffe's motherland
L. A. Skripka,
director of the specialized school
The history, present-day state, and lines of development of the school named after A.F. Ioffe at the town of Romny

Stages of A.F. Ioffe's creative activities

D. Bimberg, director of Institute of Solid State Physics, Berlin Technical University
K. Thiessen, Berlin-Adlershof Science and Technology Site (WISTAsolar)
Abram Ioffe and Germany
F. P. Kesamanly, SPb State Polytechnic University
The contribution of A.F. Ioffe and his scientific school to the development of education in the country
Yu. K. Pozhela, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Reminescences about A.F. Ioffe

Fiztekh and institutes to which it gave birth

A. G. Zabrodskii, director of Ioffe Institute (RAS)
Fiztekh nowadays
V. A. Nazarenko, director of Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (RAS)
Nuclear branch of Fiztekh, stages of development
I. M. Neklyudov, general director of Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
Fiztekh and the Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute to which it gave birth
V. V. Ustinov, director of Institute of Metall Physics (Ural Division of RAS)
From the Ural Fiztekh to the Institute of Metal Physics
R. M. Yusupov, director of St Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (RAS)
St Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation, a «junior child» of the Ioffe Institute
V. P. Yakushev, director of Agrophysical Research Institute
R. A. Poluektov, Agrophysical Research Institute
Agrophysics from A.F. Ioffe's times till the present 
A. I. Potekaev, director of Siberian Physicotechnical Institute
Materials, technologies, and devices created at the Siberian Physicotechnical Institute

Physics and technologies of the XXI century

F. Wagner, director of Division of Plasma Physics (E3), Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
The status of fusion with magnetic confinement
V. E. Fortov, director of Institute of Thermophysics of Extremal States RAS
being ascertained
D. A. Varshalovich, Ioffe Institute (RAS)
Evolution of the Universe
A. L. Aseev, director of Institute of Semiconductor Physics (Siberian branch of RAS)
being ascertained
A. Luque L., derector of Instituto de Energia Solar, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Recent progress in intermediate band solar cells
Ph. G. Rutberg, director of Institute of Problems of Electrophysics (RAS)
New plasma methods for production of renewable energy
V. B. Timofeev, Institute of Solid State Physics (RAS)
Coulomb correlation in low-dimensional semiconductor structures
C. Chang-Hasnain, University of California
Nano-photonics: the next frontier

(c) 2005, Ioffe Institute