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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Great Hall

10:00-10:30 Opening ceremony

Modern Development of A. F. Ioffe's scientific and educational concepts

Chair: A. G. Zabrodskii
10:30-11:00 Zh. I. Alferov
A. F. Ioffe, founder of the national physical school
11:00-11:30 D. Bimberg, K. Thiessen
Abram Ioffe and Germany
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
Chair: Zh. I. Alferov
11:50-12:20 Yu. S. Vasil'ev, V. K. Ivanov
Physics faculties at the Polytechnic Institute
12:20-12:50 Yu. K. Pozhela
Reminescences about A. F. Ioffe
12:50-14:20 Lunch
Chair: Yu. S. Vasil'ev
14:20-14:50 F. P. Kesamanly
The contribution of A. F. Ioffe and his scientific school to the development of education in the country
14:50-15:05 L. I. Anatychuk
Thermoelectricity in Ukraine, A. F. Ioffe's motherland
15:05-15:20 L. A. Skripka
The history, present-day state, and lines of development of the school named after A. F. Ioffe at the town of Romny
15:20-15:40 Break

Physics and technologies of the XXI century

Chair: P. S. Kop'ev
15:40-16:10 A. Luque L.
Recent progress in intermediate band solar cells
16:10-16:40 V. E. Fortov
Intense shock waves and extreme states of plasma
16:40-17:10 C. Chang-Hasnain
Nano-photonics: the next frontier
17:10-17:30 Coffee break
Chair: M. P. Petrov
17:30-18:00 Ph. G. Rutberg
New plasma methods for production of renewable energy
18:00-18:30 F. Wagner
The status of fusion with magnetic confinement
18:30-19:00 The Ioffe Chamber Choir
(c) 2005, Ioffe Institute